Patio Heating System | Tempura
The Weinor Tempura heating system provides pleasant heat quickly on the patio. It can be attached anywhere, is easy to retrofit and gives off cosy warmth in the evenings and during the cooler months. The infrared rays can be felt as soon as it is switched on. It does not take a long time to heat up, like with other heating systems (e.g. medium wave heaters or dark radiators). The angle of pitch can be adjusted at any time as required for a targeted pleasant temperature.
The Tempura is available in 2 versions: the Tempura in classic round look and now the totally new Tempura Quadra in modern square design.

Product Details:
Maximum heating output from an ultra-slim housing
High efficiency thanks to infrared shortwave radiant heaters
Swivel heating feature provides adjustable heating focus
Splash protection makes it suitable for use indoors and outdoors
Housing only heats up slightly
Available in 200 RAL colours
Easy to retrofit
1500W of efficient power output
Tempura Heating | Showcase
Tempura | Technical Specifications
Heating system compared:
Running costs for The Tempura system are a fraction of normal freestanding heaters ($0.33 to approx. $1.81 per hour)
In comparison with electric quartz radiators, gas or fan heaters, the electromagnetic waves emanating from the Tempura only warm the skin, not the air between
Maximum thermal radiation is achieved one second after switching on
No need for cumbersome gas cylinders or having to live with limited space caused by the heating mantle itself being too hot
International Awards for Innovation + Design Excellence
Weinor's commitment to innovation and design excellence has earned them recognition on a global scale, making them a leading name in the patio industry. In recent years, Weinor won numerous design prizes for the superb design of its patio products. The awards confirm that the products we offer are high quality in technical terms and set high standards from a visual perspective.
Weinor Product Awards include:
iF Design Awards | Red Dot | Good Design | R+T Innovations | ICONIC Awards | German Design Awards | M&T Produkt des Jahres | Elu Produit du BTP par less Professionnels | Focus Open awards
Tempura Quadra awards:

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